Pink Carts are Meaningful

Pink Carts are Meaningful

I was in Chicago last week at the International Home & Housewares show which displays products from all over the world for inside and outside of the home for retailers. It’s a massive show and simply exhausting but I love attending to see what is new and cool and “in” this year.  Walking the long aisles I wonder why it is that you can buy a spatula in three hundred colors but carts only come in a handful of colors? After all, a spatula hides out in the kitchen drawer and is seen infrequently (particularly by us working Mothers). However, your carts sit in plain view for the whole world to see every day. Why are spatulas beautiful and carts ugly?

My Mum use to say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and I think she was right about that.  One company that certainly makes beautiful things is Waverly. Their new marketing campaign shows our carts all lined up on a random street somewhere in America…but they look different because they are wrapped in Waverly fabric. I guess their point is that their fabrics can make even ugly trash carts beautiful and I agree because they really are spectacular. But the fact of the matter is that PINK carts are beautiful, PINK carts mean something, PINK carts shouldn’t hide at the back of our homes or in our garages. They should stand at the curb and scream “look at me and THINK about what I stand for”.

So, as much as I do love a great spatula, I think it’s time to trade up and show your true color.
