This week, Pink Cart made its debut at Waste Expo in Atlanta, Georgia. The Expo is one of the largest tradeshows in the waste management and recycling industry, and we were inundated with questions from hundreds of attendees and exhibitors wanting to know how to get the Pink Cart. Our Pink booth became a place for people to pair their personal experiences of breast cancer with their professional lives, and we were humbled by the stories they shared with us.
We are survivors
In just the first two hours of the Expo, one of our representatives said 27 women came into the Pink Cart booth and told him they were breast cancer survivors. He stopped counting but the stories kept coming. Many were employees of waste and recycling hauling companies who wanted to hear our thoughts on how they could make the Pink Cart available to their customers and their community. These survivors were passionate about using their influence in the industry to make a difference in the lives of women and their families across the country!
We are fighters
More women came in looking for information on how they could get one or two Pink Carts for themselves or their friends. They often said "this is a great project" or "these are beautiful carts!" After we told them they could buy a Pink Cart some had even more to say. One woman told us she was just diagnosed with breast cancer in September and her best friend was undergoing lumpectomy surgery that very day. Many said they were touched by the project and that it gave them a boost of strength and determination in their very personal fight to kick breast cancer to the curb.
We are supporters
Many men and women stopped at our booth to voice their appreciation of the Pink Cart project. They were private citizens, small family owned and operated hauling companies, county and city government officials, employees of large haulers who worked in marketing, purchasing, and even legal counsel! They had all been touched by breast cancer. Some were caregivers and supporters to women who are fighting, some were friends of survivors, and others were honoring loved ones they had lost to the disease. All of them were excited to show their support and solidarity with the women in their lives by rolling out a Pink Cart on trash day.
Help create a world with more birthdays
The American Cancer Society says 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. When we reflect on the number of stories we’ve heard since we launched the Pink Cart, we know that this disease impacts more than just the person who has it. It impacts their families, their friends, their colleagues, their neighbors. We want you to partner with us and the American Cancer Society to offer support, resources, and treatment for women and men impacted by breast cancer. Call your hauler today and tell them you want a Pink Cart to help raise funds for breast cancer awareness and prevention! Together we can create a world with more birthdays.